
As mentioned in the Prophecy Treasure text by Nuden Dorje where it states: “The obstacles of the Iron Dog (2030) can be averted from the Wood Dragon Year (2024) onwards. Since this method is a slayer of foes, there is no doubt it will be averted.”
To avert the hindrances and obstacles that will arise in the Iron Dog Year 2030, one of the methods told by Guru Padmasambhva is to hang prayer flags with Guru Padmasambhva’s mantra on high mountains in all directions for world peace and balancing of elements. Hanging prayer flags brings blessings to all sentient beings, as well as merit to those who sponsor or hang the flags. Under the compassionate direction of His Holiness Khenchen Lama Rinpoche, this year 2024, we will print and hang 20,000 Dagpai Shingchog (Sampa Lhundrupma) Prayer Flags for dedication to world peace and harmony, especially to avert all hindrances and obstacles that may arise from 2024-2034.
The Dagpai Shingchog (Sampa Lhundrupma) Prayer Flags will be distributed in 4 locations with the first 5000 lungta being hoisted in Banov Breg, Lendava, Slovenia. His Holiness Khenchen Lama Rinpoche and the Slovenian Sangha will oversee the construction of the Lungta structure. A consecration ceremony will be conducted by Rinpoche after the completion of construction. The next 5000 Lungta will be hoisted in Hanoi, Vietnam and subsequently, the United Kingdom and United States. More locations will be included from 2025. We will update our sponsors regularly on the progress of each Lungta construction.
The merits and benefits of hanging prayer flags are tremendous. As such we invite everyone to participate generously in this meritorious activity.

Details of Dagpai Shingchog Prayer FLags